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Minehead First School Making sure school matters to every child


At Minehead First School we are passionate about the Arts, with a particular focus around the impact that research has shown it can have on children’s social and emotional health.  To reflect this, we have a dedicated Art room that allows children to be immersed in a world of art, inspired by the art work of their peers and to have access to a variety of resources and vocabulary on display.  The room is used by all year groups, from Reception to year 4.  Art is taught as a discrete subject by two members of staff with passion, enthusiasm and skill in the subject.  This enables a clear understanding of progression and confidence in the schemes of work in place.   


We strongly believe that the arts are important to children’s SEMH and with 1 in 12 children potentially taking on a creative job in the future, we feel it is essential to offer our children the experiences they need to enable them to find their creativity and passion that may allow them to pursue art in the future.  We recognise that many children (like adults) will approach art with caution and can be self-conscious about their abilities.  As a result, at the heart of all art teaching is encouraging a ‘have a go’ attitude and an acceptance that art is unique and there is no right or wrong.  


Each year group uses personal sketch books that allow children to reflect on their own personal journey with confidence as it remains their own and unmarked or assessed.  We encourage children to become critical thinkers through evaluations at the end of each unit so that they can consider what they enjoy, dislike and which skills they wish to develop moving forward.   We celebrate achievements regularly using the school newsletter each week, as well as allowing parents to view floor books at parents evening, and artwork is on display around the school.  We also have an artist of the term on display in the corridor for exemplary effort to be acknowledged.    

Art and design provides children with opportunities to develop and extend their skills and express their individuality.   We strive to ensure that the curriculum is challenging, engaging and inspiring by ensuring a range of notable artists are studied and by ensuring a range of media is explored. We offer opportunities for children to develop their creativity outside of the school day through craft clubs and art clubs.  We also look to inspire them by inviting in and working with local artists. 
