At Minehead First School, we believe that the teaching of RE is important, in order to help build a united and caring school, and that this will have a positive impact on our local community and society as a whole. At Minehead First School, our well planned RE curriculum, based on AMV 2019, The Agreed Religious Education Syllabus for Somerset, will ensure that pupils have a developing understanding of the idea of having a faith and how that faith is also a part of our local community.
Our RE curriculum will encourage pupils to be curious, thoughtful and inquisitive. It will foster a questioning mindset when exploring diverse cultural, spiritual and religious faiths from across the UK and the World. Through the teaching of RE, we aim to develop an understanding of different faiths, cultures and belief systems, both locally and globally.
Our pupils will learn from and about Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and Humanism through exploring:
• faith stories and sacred texts
• festivals
• special places and sacred buildings
• traditions and practices
• symbols
• artefacts
• religious art and music
• similarities and differences between communities.
We aim to provide children with opportunities to explore the lived experience of a faith and to engage with people and places of different faiths (online or in person). For example – all year groups enjoy working with the Exmoor Youth Project (a local Christian Youth Education Group), to support their understanding of Christianity.
Effective RE teaching will lead to pupils developing a respect and open-mindedness of others with similar and different faiths and beliefs and contribute to children’s understanding that diversity brings cultural richness. At MFS, RE is a discussion rich subject and children will be taught the correct vocabulary to enable them to embark on these discussions using the correct terminology. RE discussions and practical activities are often evidenced in a whole class floor book, which complements children’s individual writing books.