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Minehead First School Making sure school matters to every child

Friends of Minehead First School

Who are ‘Friends of Minehead First School’?


We are a group of parents and teacher volunteers, with the aim of enriching the children’s time at our school.


Our committee consists of the following members,


Chair - Beth Pollard 

Secretary - Stacey Maycock

Treasurer - Julie O'Driscoll

Plus a group of motivated and dedicated parents and teachers.


We meet approximately 6 times a year (once per half-term). Our meetings are always child friendly and casual. During our meetings we discuss forthcoming events, new fundraising ideas and how the money raised could be best put to use.


We organise and host fundraising events throughout the school year from gift shops, discos, tuck shops and fayres, and we are always keen to try new ideas.


New members are always welcome, the more support we have, the more we can do for the children. It’s a great way to meet other parents and hopefully make new friends.


Some of the things we have been able to fund so far include:

- Prizes for the school events

- Educational and fun workshops for the children

- Leavers gifts for year 4

- Buses for school trips

-  Playground Equipment

- Author Visits for World Book Day

- Chick incubator for early years

…to name just a few.


If you would like to find out more about FOMFS please contact us by visiting our Facebook page or email us at

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